A large portion of landfill operational budgets is consumed by the cost of handling leachate, the liquid that drains from a landfill. Leachate management accounts for approximately 35% of a landfill’s annual non-labor operating expenses, and can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars for an individual landfill.
Leachate often contains elevated levels of contaminants. By federal law, it requires extensive and expensive treatment and disposal throughout the landfill’s active life, and for at least 30 years after it has been closed. Historically, leachate disposal has been limited to costly options such as hauling to a wastewater treatment plant or operating an on-site treatment system.
LMS provides their clients with alternative, GREEN technologies that can greatly reduce leachate volume and management costs, while at the same time lowering their carbon footprint. Our systems can operate at open and closed landfills across the country, including pre-Subtitle D, interim areas of open facilities, and closed Subtitle D landfills. We have collaborated with some of the largest solid waste companies in the USA, including Republic Services, WCA / GFL, and Waste Management.
Every year, millions of dollars are spent and millions of miles are driven to dispose of leachate. Natural Systems change that.
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Our Natural Disposal Technologies
Phyto-Utilization™ is the use of fast-growing and non-invasive plant to consume landfill leachate and industrial wastewater through evapotranspiration to greatly reduce or eliminate the need for other disposal methods in a GREEN and sustainable way.
Wind-Aided Intensified eVaporation
Wind-Aided Intensified eVaporation, or WAIV™, is an innovative technology originally used in the global desalination industry that strategically uses wind energy to evaporate large amounts of landfill leachate and industrial wastewater.
Our Phyto-Cell™ technology provides an off-footprint, contained Phyto-Utilization™ system to greatly reduce or eliminate the need for other disposal methods in a GREEN and sustainable way.