Seep breakouts and slope instability can become a headache for any landfill or dump facility. An effective method for preventing and repairing these problems is using plants and trees to secure the soil layer in place and soak up any extra runoff or potential seep. Two powerful solutions include the use of hybrid poplar trees and vetiver grass.
Vetiver grass is highly tolerant to heavy metals and adverse environmental conditions, making it a perfect choice for seep control and slope stabilization at a variety of solid waste facilities and other industrial sites.
The plant’s extensive root system keeps slopes intact, minimizes erosion, and reduces runoff. The roots also stabilize and absorb heavy metals to remediate in-situ and prevent off-site migration. Heavy metals are stabilized in the roots so leaf cuttings are safe for use as mulch, erosion control, biomass energy production, or other productive purposes.
Vetiver bioengineering applications include: slope stabilization, erosion control, prevention and control of landfill seeps, disaster mitigation (i.e. flood zones, landslides), groundwater protection, establishment of turf in difficult areas, protection of crops and rehabilitation of farmland, and pest control.